Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thank the Lord

Well, I mentioned that I was looking for a part time job and the Lord has answered my prayers. I didn't want to go back to work full time, because I really need to be a full time mom and be available for my kids. Well, a door opened and I got a job. It serves two purposes. It lets me work in a Christian environment, serving my home church and to provide some extra income for my family. Thank you to all those who encouraged me and pushed me to send in a resume. I think this may be what I have been searching for this past year or two.

God is faithful!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy New Year!

This past few months have been crazy. With the liberal media getting the country in a tizzy, everyone has stopped buying and all the industries are laying off and shutting down. Hubby's hours have been cut and things are getting tight for us. I plan on looking for something part time that will allow me to still be available for my children but will give me some funds to pay for essentials.

I haven't done a lot with my Stamping and scrapbooking other than things for my daughter's class, Christmas cards and Christmas wrap/tags. The wrapping paper came out so cute. I took packing paper from shipments I had received and stamped snowflakes, trees and little red birds on it. I then took strips of fleece felt and sewed two stripes down it and tied it around the packages. Very country and rustic looking.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Welcome to my new blog website. I want to share ideas and class schedules with you, so I've created an area just for that information. Be patient, as I'm new to the bloggers world and it may take me a while to figure out how to post things. I will set up a schedule for classes for scrapbooking, as well as cards and other projects.